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Are the Learning Outcomes for the program clearly mapped out according to the institutions Graduate Degree Level Expectations? Is the curriculum design appropriate and do the program requirements provide the appropriate depth and breadth for a graduate student experience? Is there evidence that the program fosters the intellectual and professional development of students? Are the students completing the program in a timely fashion? If not, what adjustments could be made to the program or to supervisory practices to improve the time to degree? Are the library resources appropriate for the program? Are the physical resources (e.g., space, laboratories, computers) appropriate for the type of program and the number of students? Is there evidence of reasonable financial support for the students? Are enrolments in the program commensurate with the resources available? In considering these points, the External Reviewers are encouraged to identify any issues or questions to pursue during their visit. Visit the program under review, meeting with faculty, students and University administrators. Submit, within two (2) weeks of the on-site visit, a report (which is normally a joint report) describing how the program meets the quality standard as described in the brief and noting where improvements, if any, are required. The report should comment specifically on the following points: an outline of the visit (who was interviewed, what facilities were seen, any other activities relevant to the review) the appropriateness of the Learning Outcomes for the program the competence of the faculty, including members of other units associated with the program, in the conduct of research, the advancement and dissemination of knowledge, the supervision of graduate students and in graduate instruction the admission standards and procedures, commenting on the quality of entering students (for periodic appraisals) and the appropriateness of the standards and procedures for ensuring quality (in the case of new programs), actual and estimated enrolments (admission standards and procedures should ensure that the students have the capacity and the preparation to meet the challenge of the program effectively) the adequacy and sources of student support (actual support for periodic appraisal and anticipated support for new programs) the quality of student research as demonstrated by an evaluation of a selection of completed theses and, where relevant, published works (not applicable for non-thesis programs or in the case of new programs) the normal progress of students through the program, including comments on the average time to complete the program and the number of withdrawals (applicable for periodic appraisal) the adequacy of on-campus and off-campus library resources, both holdings and services (in making this judgment, the External Reviewers should take into consideration any co-operative collection development agreements between the libraries and the extent to which such agreements are being executed as intended) the adequacy of physical resources, including office space, laboratories, or other special facilities such as computers the curriculum requirements, milestones (e.g., comprehensive examinations) and student evaluation procedures including, in the case of certain professional programs, preparation for practice any innovative features with respect to either content or approach the questions and issues identified by SUPR-G and/or the Internal Reviewers not answered under the above items at least three recommendations for program improvements and enhancements any matters of concern and recommendations to address these concerns the report should also include a summary statement to assist SUPR-G in reaching its decision on a recommendation; however, the reviewers should avoid making a recommendation on the classification of the program Respond to any questions from SUPR-G and/or the Internal Reviewers following receipt of the report.      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